Monday, July 30, 2012

just for laughs turns 30!

In the same year I was born, so was the Just For Laughs Festival. In celebration of a milestone (since 30 is a doozy), we decided to head to Montreal to see Bill Hader. We are big SNL fans! And I will be forever 29, well... at least for another 6 months.

In a quick 2 hour drive, we were back in our old French hood eating (no scarfing down) delicious Italian pizza from my all-time favourite resto - Pizzeria Napoletana.

Then we were off to the JFL.

This dude creeped me out! What the...?

Bill Hader scored the big boy! The show was jammed pack.

But thanks to my tweeps in the twitter verse, I was able to snag pre-sale tickets and was in the 4th row. What an experience!! Plus, it was a great 1st year wedding anniversary present.

Throughout the show, Bill Hader hosted different impressions and yes...there was Herb. This poor lady in the audience got ripped on by Herb, I felt so bad for her - but it's Herb, what can you do!?

The show ended with Bill Hader's 'Stefon' skit that was just hilarious. I can't believe that's even him when he's in that character. If you haven't seen that skit on SNL, check it out here.

Great show, great laughs - Thanks #JFLthirty

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