Wednesday, September 14, 2011

latest edition to the happiness project is revealed!

I was so excited to learn that one of my favourite author's, Gretchen Rubin has wrote a new book about Happiness!! It is called Happier at Home and I think one of the most powerful influences of happiness is if you have a happy home life. To me, my home is my safety nest. A lot of times, when I have a bad day or I am just exhausted from my busy life, I just can't wait to get home. I love my home, my hubby and my lil pug, who are always there to make me feel better. It's my "ah ha" moment in the day, and I truly believe that in order to be happy, one must be happy at home!

Gretchen's new book doesn't come out on shelves until September 2012, but it's great news and I am looking forward to reading another one of her well put novels. What a fabulous, powerful, and realistic woman, and I love reading her daily blogs. Sign will love it!

Gretchen's Third Splendid Truth: "The days are long, but the years are short."

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree- I love coming home and I'm so grateful for that!
