Tuesday, June 26, 2012

our first trip to gatineau

This past weekend, my hubby and I ventured off into Gatineau Park on a search for lakes, beaches, and nature. Oh...did we find some beautiful nature! We couldn't believe this gorgeous park (or a mountain as we saw it) was only a 20 minute drive from Ottawa. It's almost a part of the city, which is why Ottawa-Gatineau is considered by many people the same city. Major difference - one side is English and the other side is French. That's all.

Pics taken at Meech Lake

On the way to Champlain lookout we saw so many bikers climbing the mountain. It's crazy how fit these people are, and there are so many of them!

We made it to Champlain Lookout! In the Jeep of course :)

We celebrated with some Jack Johnson tunes, and munched on a fresh baguette with roasted red pepper feta dip as we looked onto Kanata... ah, the simple life! 

Some serious graffiti at the lookout.

Pics taken at Pink Lake

If only we had a cottage for the summer! Gotta luv the weekends.


  1. If you enjoyed Pink Lake you should try the Luskville Falls hike called the Fire Tower. It's definitely harder than Pink Lake but it's so beautiful.

    1. Thanks for the info! I'll have to check out that trail. I still can't believe how beautiful Gatineau is... I mean its not really advertised around the world :) I'm still waiting to try apparently the BEST panini sandwich at this little Aylmer cafe called Moca Loca.
